• FanSavesHelps

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    We hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
    We know that these unprecedented times have many local businesses worried, so our friends at FanSaves want to help our members for FREE.
    Because you're a valued member of our area, we would love to invite your business to be part of the FanSaves Helps Gift Certificate Program, which allows people to buy gift certificates from businesses that are currently closed or offering limited services, which they can use in the future once things get back to normal.
    All your business has to do to sign up is fill out this online form: 
    How it works: Once a gift certificate is purchased through the FanSaves Helps website, the buyer will receive a digital gift certificate with a unique code that will be tracked for you in a spreadsheet (which you will have access to). Any money received on your behalf will then be transferred to you via Direct Deposit or e-transfer within 14 days (minus any credit card transaction fees that may come off the top). 
    Lastly, once you re-open your doors, the buyer can then print off their gift certificate and bring it to you. You can then keep track of the balance however it works best for you (some businesses are transferring it to their own gift card program others can use the old school method of tracking the balance right on the print out).
    As mentioned, this is completely free. The FanSaves Helps team have created a site, more like a network, where businesses across Canada can feature their gift certificates all in one place.
    Once your business is registered, your customers will be able to:
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