• Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce joins Goodman Sustainability Group Inc. to Host Canada North SM


    Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce joins Goodman Sustainability Group Inc. to Host Canada North SME Event Series

    Sault Ste. Marie – The Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce (SSMCOC) and Goodman Sustainability Group Inc. are pleased to host the Canada North SME Event Series - demystifying sustainability for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) as they each race for competitiveness in a rapidly changing business area


    The first event (SMEs & Sustainability: Competitiveness & Supply Chain Advantage Part 1) will occur virtually on Tuesday June 20th, 2023, from 11:30am to 1:00pm. The event will feature eight guest speakers who will speak about their experience and expertise regarding SMEs & Sustainability.

    SMEs play a vital role in Canada’s success – they represent about 98% of firms, 50% of GDP with most having less than 100 employees. Canada is also a large exporter and 98% of those who export are SMEs. The Canada North SME Event format will provide a forum that simplifies & clarifies Sector specific sustainability requirements - spotlighting leading experts on ESG, Reconciliation, Supply Chain-Sector emerging themes and export market sustainability matters… and more.


    Society, governments, & Supply Chains increasingly nudging SMEs to take action on Sustainability (Net Zero, ESG & Purpose). SME access to Sustainable Financing options will increasingly unlock ‘action’ & value creation (meeting requirements for Banks, Insurance & stakeholders).


    Come and hear from esteemed business, government, & Indigenous leaders as we unveil our SME “Ecosystem approach” – unburdening the sustainability journey for SMEs. Our ‘one-of-a-kind’ events will spotlight the imperative for SME integration of Indigenous strategic collaboration, Trade & Competitiveness.

    SME competitiveness & survivability will come to those who increasingly embed ‘sustainability’ into their business models.


    Registration to the event is open now at the Canada North SME Event Series website.

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